Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Global Economy slowdown: what to do?

Every day US Banks going for merger or bankrupt.
Similarly, EU also facing the same problem the major growing field like IT, Banking, Infrastruture, petroleum market facing big challanges.
Every day share market falling down like anything.
The our main objective what to do? and how to manage the business?

I think this is right time to make a plan for new venture, analysis of the past achievement and except this how to improve our self in our competency area.

Similarly we have to for some training program, we have to arrange the seminar, presentation, pending work etc.

Becouse, why this is right time to plan? we have less work pressure and we can understand the worst situation.
Training is also imporatnt aspects becouse during the peak period we can not get sufficient time for self improvement rather than follow to same track.
Becouse after six to eight months all the things will be on track again we will not get time for improvement.

This is right time to take long holiday, tour , reading and refresh our self for the next step will be more effective than the last.

So dont be panic for wrong situation.....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Leadership facts

The great leader has a dream. S/he always creat the things:
" The best way to succeed in the future is to creat it"
Means he has to make plan and creat the work for him self and for the sub ordinate.
How to manage the things are not important :
Leadership is not about managing things but about the developing the people.
Similarly for the visionary leader:
The visionary leader is one who has learned to focus on the summit while clearing the path.
Purpose is most important motivator in the world.
The job for the leader is to define reality for his people.
Visisonary leaders care more about doing what's right than appearing intelligent.
Of all the beutiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to light in this age none is more gladdening of fruitful of devine promise and confidence than this that you are the master of the thought, the molder of your character, maker and shaper of the condition, environment and destiny.

Immediately after agreat victory one will often experience some form of difficulty. The key is to maintain your focus and keep on believing.
Every great organiozation begin with great leader > and every bold leader has great dreams.

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